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    AIIM Council on “Infonomics”

    June 15-16, 2016

    AIIM ExeCouncil

    Precision Content is pleased to be part of this timely discussion

    The AIIM Executive Leadership Council brings together top thinkers, high performance practitioners and leaders in information management to discuss, define, and direct the Future of Information Management.  The Council itself is made up of AIIM solution provider and user companies at the Executive Council membership level.

    According to Wikipedia, Infonomics is the theory, study and discipline of asserting economic significance to information. It provides the framework for businesses to measure, manage and monetize information as a real asset. Infonomics endeavors to apply both economic and asset management principles and practices to the valuation, handling and deployment of information assets.

    “War is 90% information”. It is an asset that can be used to identify new opportunities, add value, manage risks, and reduce costs. But how should we measure the value of information?

    Best-selling author Geoffrey Moore claims there are now two centers of value creation; improved customer intimacy and operational excellence. Information about customers allow us to better engage them with personalized communication and services. Information about employee allows us to improve productivity by better connecting people, information, and knowledge. We can automate transactional processes, and provide knowledge workers with the right information at the right time. We can also reduce risks and costs by automating information management compliance, security, and privacy. If these are some of the opportunities, how do we then best measure the economical value of information management?

    Join us to elevate the discussion around the value of information and how organizations can start to measure the value of their information. As a leadership think tank, we’ll examine:

    • How do you measure the value of information management?
    • How do make infonomics a top concern of CXO’s?
    • What are the first steps for treating information as an asset? –

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